Welcome to Fresh Juice's world of quality and innovation. We pride ourselves on our unique designs, wordmarks, and other intellectual property elements which are protected by registered and common law trademarks not just in the United States, but across numerous jurisdictions around the world.

Our Esteemed Trademarks Include:

Fresh Juice®

Mini Fast Portable®

The spectrum of our intellectual property rights extends beyond what is visible here. Fresh Juice owns rights to a vast array of additional trademarks, which have not been listed on this page.

Please note, all content featured on freshjuiceblender.com, including text, graphics, logos, images, digital downloads, and software, is the property of Fresh Juice and is protected by United States and international copyright laws. Unauthorized use of our trademarked items or copyright materials is a violation of these laws and subject to legal action.

We respect creativity and we encourage everyone to do the same. For any queries, clarifications, or requests regarding the use of our trademarks or copyrighted materials, please contact us directly.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Enjoy the freshness with Fresh Juice.